April 2, 2024  

The Truth about the Truth | WT #83

The adage “the truth will set you free” is a principle that resonates across cultures and religions, especially within the teachings of the Christianity. Yet, in the realm of our daily lives, this principle is tested in both profound and trivial ways, illustrating the complex relationship each one of us often has with Truth.

For example, I have a friend who recently discovered he owed $23,000 in back taxes. This revelation was a stark truth he had avoided–a shadow in his financial landscape he had hoped would dissolve in the light of wishful thinking. But as the reality of this debt became an unavoidable truth, with it came a loud-and-clear call to action that required courage, responsibility, and a plan to navigate out of the financial quagmire. His journey from avoidance to resolution exemplifies the liberating power of truth, no matter how painful the “sticker shock” may have initially felt.

And it is just one example of a truth that he didn’t want to hear, thus shining a light on the truth about the Truth: quite often, we just don’t want to hear it.

We can ALL relate to this to varying degrees. Case in point: many of us grapple with the inconvenient truth about diet and nutrition. Personally, I would love nothing more than a world where carbs and sugar are akin to protein, vitamins and antioxidants. This longing for a different nutritional reality highlights a more whimsical, yet relatable, aspect of our struggle with truth. We know what is healthy for us, we may accept it, but the actual application of this truth demands a change in behavior we are sometimes reluctant to make.

These examples reflect the broader human experience with truth: it is often inconvenient, sometimes harsh, and always inevitable. Whether it’s a significant financial oversight or a simple dietary preference, the truths we face compel us to confront reality as it is, not as we wish it to be.

In the spiritual realm, Christians see that Truth is not merely an abstract concept, but a person—Jesus Christ, who is “the Way, and the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6). This Personal Dimension of Truth adds a layer of relational depth to our understanding and acceptance of it. It’s not just about facing the facts of our external circumstances but also about encountering the Truth that calls us to a higher standard of living, grounded in virtue and love.

And for those of us who share this faith, the process of embracing truth, therefore, is not solely about rectifying our mistakes or adjusting our beliefs in light of new information. Rather, it is about an ongoing, daily conversion of heart; a journey towards a fuller life and new-found freedom. Indeed, this path is rarely easy; as we occasionally experience moments of shock, pain and realization, both big and small, that challenge our preconceptions and invite us to grow.

The truth about the Truth is that it is as indispensable as it is uncomfortable. It confronts us with the realities of our lives—whether it’s acknowledging a financial mistake, errors in judgment and/or action in work or relationships, or accepting the health implications of our dietary and lifestyle choices. In embracing truth, we find not only the resolution to our immediate challenges, but also the path to a more meaningful and joyful life. 

This article was last modified on April 2, 2024 .

About the author 

Keith F. Luscher

Keith F. Luscher is a marketing strategist for the Authentic Leadership Foundation, which includes much of the media and communications work you see on a regular basis. He works as a fractional CMO for several organizations, and lives in Newark, Ohio.


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