About the Foundation

The Authentic Leadership Foundation (ALF) is a personal growth platform focused on youth & young adults with the goal of building stronger leaders at scale.

IN OTHER WORDS...we offer a training path & community of support for educators to help youth with the crisis so many face of not knowing who they are and that they were made to be great and set the world on fire.

Founded in 2021, ALF’s mission is to help youth & young adults discover their individual path to greatness.

How? By showing you how to fully activate your knowledge & experience, combining it with what you instinctively know to achieve your greatest results. How? Through training that shows you how to practice:

  • making principled decisions
  • building character strength
  • clarity of mission

The results are: great leaders who make principled decisions, have strong character, and are clear on how they uniquely impact humanity.

PUT ANOTHER WAY...if your life was a boat, you learn ‘why’ your boat does what it does when you row it, and how to row it one principled decision at a time.'

Learn More about What We Do...

Listen to members of the ALF community, who each personally witness to the power that the ALF Personal Growth Platform has on the lives of others.

Our Partner Organization Criteria

  • They have a desire to grow  ("growth" is defined as executing your personal and institutional missions better)
  • Demonstrated humility
  • Identification of a goal ALF can uniquely help the partner organization achieve
  • Commitment to integrate the ALF education program into all aspects of their life and organization
  • Commitment to measure results

Our Community

We've built a community with 200+ people committed to getting better. 

A short-coming of traditional leadership training is its short-sighted nature. It's often about techniques that lack a connection to virtue. To make personal growth education feasible, we have created a community of people committed to getting better through the foundation’s education program that have the intention of helping new partners get off the ground.


ALF community members are influencers in multiple disciplines and have access and reach that is invaluable to all our partners.

Engaged and Curious

Our community is engaged and curious, helping us make increasingly better decisions as we engage them in growing ALF.

Advocates of Our Mission

Our community is an advocate for our mission, with patient members waiting for long term processes to be developed and the value of those processes to be unlocked.

Long-Term Focus

This long-term nature of our community member base is key to building value and stability for an early-stage partner.

Subscribe to

AUDIO FEATURE: Student Leaders Share Their Journey on GRN | WT #90
What is Greatness? | WT #89
Traction Towards Magnanimity | WT #88


July 23, 2024

Listen In Below!We are excited to share a

May 21, 2024

What's the measure of your success? What if

November 15, 2023

Dallas, TX – The Authentic Leadership Foundation (ALF)

June 18, 2023

June 21, 2023

June 23, 2023

The Time is NOW.

When you join us, you will be actively supporting our youth education programs. As our past work in business, these programs are very specific in their objectives with measurable deliverables and outcomes. But we can’t do it without education partners and investors. You will be actively and enthusiastically helping to transform our young people into true, character-driven authentic leaders. 

To this end, we are excited to invite you to contact us and learn more!