Might ANY of these employees work for YOU?
NOTE: This complete training follows and builds upon Fundamental Training. It is delivered in five 2-hour sessions after Fundamental Training ends, approximately every other Friday over two months.
For decades now, billions of dollars have been wasted every year on “leadership training” and the needle hasn’t moved (according to the statistics above). After 25 years, we now understand why.
Leadership is not a technique or skill, nor is it embodied by shiny objects (i.e. financial, athletic or academic success). Leadership is about character. You’re not born with character; you have to build it. That’s why we say there is no such thing as a “born leader.”
It’s also why we say that, contrary to popular belief, leadership is for the MANY, not the few.
Stronger leadership requires many things: skills, knowledge, passion, and wisdom. Above all, it requires leading with your best self. However, this cannot be attained without a basic understanding of temperament and character, which together, make-up a person’s core.
The objective of the training is to practice the language and process of temperament and character, thereby setting you up for success as a stronger leader. Indeed, every person is born with a temperament, and their character is formed (to one degree or another) over the time of their life.
This is why every person can be a stronger leader if they so desire. But they must have the resources to make building character and becoming an authentic leader possible.
In-Person or Online Attendance Available!

3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200
Dallas, Texas 75234
What You'll Learn:
- Practice the fundamentals you learned until you can’t get them wrong with the assistance of mastery tools from Alex Havard himself (detailed temperament action planning guide, videos, and workbooks).
- Deepen your understanding of the relationship between your temperament & character, and mission.
- Build an Authentic Leadership Sheet & use it with a Self-Feedback Tool to increase accountability for personal growth and close your authenticity gap.


3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200
Dallas, Texas 75234
Scholarships Available!
"Scholarship1" = 25% discount
"Scholarship2" = 50% discount
Choose your starting date first, and the promo code field will appear on the Checkout Page (enter without quotes).
NOTE: This complete training follows and builds upon Fundamental Training. It is delivered in five 2-hour sessions after Fundamental Training ends, approximately every other Friday over two months.