. And here’s where I mess it up.
I tend to lightly check the box on humility. Then, I give in to my biology or instinct and launch myself into building my next success when I should be
Descending? Yes, by excavating before building that next success. Why? To make as much room as possible to include others’ talents in reaching higher than I can by myself. How? Asking these questions point me in the right direction.
If we excavate our pride and vanity first, we make room for a deeper foundation of humility. The deeper we excavate, the deeper our foundation, the higher we can build.
Any thoughts?
At dinner one night, my son couldn’t stop talking. In an attempt to teach him a lesson, I shared a simple truth: the less you talk, the smarter people think you are. Years later, I was reminded of that wisdom when a colleague was described as someone who “talks the least, yet says the most.” Humility isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about knowing when to speak and when to listen.
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Perfect timing is never by accident. When Jeanne forwarded a Weekly Truth email to her son, she had no idea it would provide exactly the guidance he needed at a crucial moment. Read how a timely message—and a structured decision-making tool—helped him navigate a difficult workplace challenge with confidence and clarity.
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