August 14, 2024  

The True Power of Conversion | WT #92


You are likely familiar with the story of The Beauty and the Beast. It's a timeless tale that has captivated audiences for generations. But it recently gave me pause to wonder: did the Beast undergo a change of heart...or was it something deeper, a conversion? "Is there a difference?" you might ask. There is, and it is profound. A change of heart typically involves a reversal of a single decision, or perhaps a shift in a position or opinion about something. It's often a temporary adjustment, influenced by circumstances or emotions. On the other hand, a conversion is a permanent change, a profound transformation that results from the practice of virtue. This kind of change is not just about one decision; it reshapes all future decisions, influencing who we are and how we behave in every aspect of our lives. Consider, for example, the life-changing experience of becoming a parent for the first time. This isn’t just a change of heart—like deciding to take up a new hobby or altering a viewpoint—it’s a conversion! The moment you hold your child for the first time, your entire perspective shifts. Priorities change, and decisions are no longer made with just yourself in mind. This conversion influences every future choice, from the big life decisions to the everyday moments, permanently altering the way you navigate the world. Sometimes, the world teaches us techniques that we mistake for true growth, but they often manifest as inconsistent changes of heart—leading us to flip-flop between princely behavior and beast mode, much like the Beast in our tale. So, what is the takeaway from this timeless story (or perhaps your own experience if you're a parent)? Continual—some might say daily—conversion of heart is the princely path to take. It’s not about a single decision but about ongoing transformation. Take a moment to reflect on where your conversion of heart might be needed. If you need some help, you may begin by understanding your temperament (and learn perhaps why certain people or situations may frustrate you).   Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

This article was last modified on August 14, 2024 .

About the author 

Darren Smith

Darren Smith is Co-Founder of the Authentic Leadership Institute. He is a native Texan and a graduate of Dallas Jesuit and Texas A&M University. Over the past 25 years, Darren has visited 35 countries and led 100 strategy programs. He and his wife have five children.


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