Annie & Scott Powell will be honored with the ALF Authentic Leader Award at the “Bring Out the Greatness! 2023” event for their work with Camp Wojtyla. Their dedication to youth leadership through faith and adventure, and their personal journey of resilience, embody true authentic leadership.

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Authentic Leadership Foundation Honors Annie and Scott Powell at Upcoming “Bring Out the Greatness! 2023” Event

When will I become the best version of myself? When will you? It’s a question we often ponder. In a world that encourages endless self-improvement, the notion of ‘achieving your best self’ becomes paradoxical. The moment we think we’ve reached a peak, new vistas for growth appear. Here, we explore this perpetual cycle and its implications for our lives—both in the here and now, and in the realm of the eternal.

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The Personal Growth Paradox | WT #75

Revisit an age-old concept of self-knowledge in a new light. Drawing from timeless wisdom and personal experiences, we delve into the power of understanding one’s temperament and limitations. These personal insights don’t have to confine you; instead, they can open doors to personal growth, delegation, and enriching relationships. Embrace yourself, warts and all, as you journey towards self-discovery and growth.

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Temet Nosce (Warts and All)

In an era rife with thirst for power, George Washington surprised all by publicly resigning from military service. His army stood loyal, yet he refused the prospect of absolute rule, effectively proving that leadership, at its core, is about service, not dominion. This defining moment stands as a testament to Washington’s character, humility, and profound understanding of the balance between power and corruption. It raises the intriguing question – what might our world be like today had he chosen a different path? Delve into this exploration of Washington’s selfless act and its significant impact on the shape of the United States and the essence of true leadership.

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George Washington: King Of America