After working with leaders for years, here’s what I know: few authentic leaders are balanced, nor do they wish to be. Why? In my experience, balance is hard to achieve, because it’s unappealing to them. What’s appealing to these individuals is what they may describe as a “Beautiful Life.” Leading a beautiful life is an

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“Balance”…or a Beautiful Life? The Choice is Yours. | WT #42

In the realm of marketing, personas serve as vital tools for profiling prospects, enabling customization of marketing efforts to resonate more effectively with target audiences. However, beyond marketing, the concept of a persona encompasses both innate temperament and the character that one actively builds over time. This article delves into the importance of recognizing and developing both aspects of your persona to not only refine marketing strategies but also to foster personal growth and self-improvement. Through a blend of introspection and external feedback, the journey towards strengthening one’s core—temperament and character—is depicted as a path to realizing one’s best self.

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You’ve Got a Persona Problem! | WT #40

Have you ever known someone who was very successful at their job, but was impossible to work with? Someone who would be fired if it wasn’t for their production? That person thinks they’re leading with their personal accomplishments, and those around them will just have to tolerate their behavior (and rationalize it as a cost

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Fundamental Humility: The Foundation of Strong Leadership | WT #37

Diligence – steady, earnest, and energetic effort: devoted and painstaking work and application to accomplish an undertaking: ex. Alexandre Havard sparked my diligent pursuit of learning to execute mission better.  You have to do the (uncommon) diligence to get to the true value proposition of something or someone.   The true core value of something like

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Does Anyone Do Their Diligence Anymore?  | WT #33