The image you see is a rendition of a famous, possibly mythical, ad from explorer Ernest Shackleton. It sought men for a hazardous Antarctic journey, offering ‘small wages, bitter cold, and constant danger.’ While the ad’s authenticity remains uncertain, its message symbolizes authentic leadership—honesty, resilience, and the pursuit of greatness. This parallels what may be the most successful ‘sales pitch’ in history, when Christ said, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me.”

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The Worst–and Most Successful–Sales Pitch in History | WT#100

In a world dominated by shades of grey, the “Grey Area” myth opens the door to the dangers of relativism. By asking ourselves simple, binary questions—like “Am I a problem, or am I a solution?”—we cut through confusion and excuses, striving for self-improvement and Greatness. Embracing the challenge of moral clarity, we can align with principles of light, rejecting mediocrity and strengthening our integrity.

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Busting the “Grey Area” Myth | WT #91