In “Can We Think of Character as a Muscle?”, we redefine the concept of character. By viewing character as a muscle strengthened by virtues, we challenge the traditional notion of “bad” character. Instead, we propose that a so-called “bad” character is not inherently bad but simply lacks the strength of a well-developed character. Join us as we spark a conversation about character development.

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Can We Think of Character as a Muscle? | WT #62

In an era rife with thirst for power, George Washington surprised all by publicly resigning from military service. His army stood loyal, yet he refused the prospect of absolute rule, effectively proving that leadership, at its core, is about service, not dominion. This defining moment stands as a testament to Washington’s character, humility, and profound understanding of the balance between power and corruption. It raises the intriguing question – what might our world be like today had he chosen a different path? Delve into this exploration of Washington’s selfless act and its significant impact on the shape of the United States and the essence of true leadership.

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George Washington: King Of America

To become a stronger leader, you have to understand the relationship between your biological temperament and character. Your natural first response to external stimuli is with your biological temperament. You have to grow from your second response being your character to it being your initial response. Do you believe your first response to external stimuli comes from your temperament or character? Why?

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Temperament & Character | SL60-03