October 24, 2024  

The Sum of Our Decisions | WT #101

Where we stand today is the cumulative result of the decisions we’ve made throughout our lives. It’s rarely about quick fixes; habits formed over time require steady and intentional effort to change. Just as with exercise and healthy eating, a single attempt won’t show immediate results. But when practiced consistently over time, whether three, six, or twelve months—the transformation becomes undeniable.

This principle isn’t just about physical well-being; it applies to all areas of life, particularly personal growth, character, and leadership.

Getting a Little Better Every Day
When people ask what the Authentic Leadership Foundation does, our response is simple: we pick you up and take you to the gym. This metaphor emphasizes that our goal is to help you improve incrementally, making it easier to grow day by day. But what does “getting better every day” really entail? Over time, the answer to this question will reveal itself.

Step 1. The Language of Personal Growth
It starts with the words we usedignity, common good, principles, and values. These aren’t just abstract concepts; they’re the very language of decision-making. When you use these words in your daily thinking and conversations, they begin to shape how you approach life’s challenges and decisions. Over time, this shift enables steady personal growth. Personal growth is ‘getting yourself right’ by using the Principled Decision-Making (PDM) process. The PDM process closes the gap between your perception and reality.

Step 2. The Process of Personal Growth
Making decisions grounded in two fundamental principles or truths—the dignity of every person and the common good—is essential. When you blend these with your personal values, you create unique, principled decisions. This is how you navigate life in a way that reflects your beliefs and character. Does this make sense? Think of values as the personal touch you add to universal truths when you act on your decisions.

Step 3. Measuring Growth Through Decisions
Ultimately, we are the sum of our decisions. Each day, we can ask ourselves: “Am I better today than I was yesterday?” When you consistently make principled decisions, guided by universal truths that don’t change, you create measurable progress. These principles are the markers of getting a little better each day.

By staying rooted in truth and following this process, we inevitably grow—perhaps just a little at first, but with consistency, the results speak for themselves. In the next Weekly Truth called “Do You Have a Process for That?” we’ll add more detail to using the three steps.

This article was last modified on October 24, 2024 .

About the author 

Darren Smith

Darren Smith is Co-Founder of the Authentic Leadership Institute. He is a native Texan and a graduate of Dallas Jesuit and Texas A&M University. Over the past 25 years, Darren has visited 35 countries and led 100 strategy programs. He and his wife have five children.


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