The image you see is a rendition of a famous, possibly mythical, ad from explorer Ernest Shackleton. It sought men for a hazardous Antarctic journey, offering ‘small wages, bitter cold, and constant danger.’ While the ad’s authenticity remains uncertain, its message symbolizes authentic leadership—honesty, resilience, and the pursuit of greatness. This parallels what may be the most successful ‘sales pitch’ in history, when Christ said, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me.”

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The Worst–and Most Successful–Sales Pitch in History | WT#100

In “Can We Think of Character as a Muscle?”, we redefine the concept of character. By viewing character as a muscle strengthened by virtues, we challenge the traditional notion of “bad” character. Instead, we propose that a so-called “bad” character is not inherently bad but simply lacks the strength of a well-developed character. Join us as we spark a conversation about character development.

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Can We Think of Character as a Muscle? | WT #62

True leadership goes beyond the boardroom; it’s about embodying wholeness in every dimension of existence. Imagine being the same person, at work, at home, and in moments of solitude, displaying the same core values. This consistency and authenticity radiate an aura of credibility that others find irresistible. As leaders, we must treat every role we play – as a spouse, parent, colleague, community member, or spiritual seeker – as equally vital. Our professional identities are important, but they’re merely one facet of our multifaceted selves. In the rare moments of tranquility, let’s ponder the profound implications of living a life where every domain is part of our ‘business’. Wholeness, after all, is the ultimate embodiment of leadership.

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What it Looks Like to Achieve Wholeness | WT #55

To shift from a narrow to a wider perspective for personal growth, you need to modify the underlying reason or “why” behind your pursuit of growth. How do you adjust your “why” and transition from a small to a broad perspective? Alter the reason behind practicing a technique to enhance your abilities. For instance, in

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Transitioning from Small to Broad Perspectives for Personal Growth | WT-50

In the realm of marketing, personas serve as vital tools for profiling prospects, enabling customization of marketing efforts to resonate more effectively with target audiences. However, beyond marketing, the concept of a persona encompasses both innate temperament and the character that one actively builds over time. This article delves into the importance of recognizing and developing both aspects of your persona to not only refine marketing strategies but also to foster personal growth and self-improvement. Through a blend of introspection and external feedback, the journey towards strengthening one’s core—temperament and character—is depicted as a path to realizing one’s best self.

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You’ve Got a Persona Problem! | WT #40